
Debrief of “Pension systems' sustainability and adequacy in an ageing society” workshop 14-05-2024



ESIP hosted a public workshop in Brussels on March 27 titled "Pension systems' sustainability and adequacy in an ageing society." Panellists addressed the impact of Europe's ageing population on the long-term sustainability of pension system and the need for adequate benefits. 

Joint-Letter : Call for Integrating Social and Health ambitions into the next EU Strategic Agenda 11-03-2024



The European Social Insurance Platform (ESIP) has signed a joint-letter, alongside 19 Social and Health organisations, calling for "Integrating Social and Health ambitions into the next EU Strategic Agenda 2024-2029".

ESIP Memorandum for the new European Legislature 01-03-2024


Europe’s social security systems: A key pillar for a strong Social Europe

But how do we get there? What should the headline priorities for the next five years be?


Rebalance the EU pharmaceutical legislation for the sake of patients! 28-02-2024


Discussions on protection periods need to sober up. These are privileges granted to the manufacturers by the European legislators and they come at a significant cost for patients and the public budgets.