Taking the opportunity of the renewal of EU institutions, the members of the Family and social inclusion committee (FaSI) of the European Social Insurance Platform (ESIP) are organising a meeting in Brussels to discuss with relevant decision-makers and stakeholders the link between the design of family policies and of social security systems with gender equality.
Family news
Crucial role of social security to fight child poverty 07-10-2020

ESIP gives its feedback to the European Child Guarantee roadmap
The Family and Social Inclusion Committee (FaSI) of ESIP, gathering institutions responsible for the provision of family and child benefits, as well as services to children, including early childhood education and care (ECEC), took the opportunity provided by the Commission's roadmap on the European Child Guarantee to offer in expertise.
Supporting gender equality in social security 10-03-2020

EU gender equality strategy: the role of social protection systems
On 5 March, the European Commission published its Gender equality strategy for 2020 to 2025. ESIP welcomes this strategy which in some respects goes beyond the previous strategic engagement for gender equality for 2016 to 2019, with its broader approach to gender mainstreaming, to be included in all steps of EU policies. As recognised in the targeted actions proposed by the Commission on closing the gender employment, care and pension gaps, social protection systems have an important role to play to empower women, by supporting their participation in the labour market and compensating for the impact on their income of care responsibilities.
Gender equality & social security: outcomes of FaSI event 16-01-2020

Participants exchanged on the role of social security in ensuring gender equality
On 3 December, the Family and Social Inclusion Committee held in the European Parliament its event "When social security systems ensure gender equality: how to (re)design social security systems to support gender equality". The event, co-organised with MEP Kumpula-Natri (S&D, Finland), gathered EU level representatives from the European Parliament, the European Commission and the Council of the EU alongside national social security experts.
Social security & gender equality: an ESIP event 14-11-2019

When social security systems ensure gender equality: how to (re)design social security systems to support gender equality?
Work-life balance: new EU level rights 04-04-2019

Compromise agreement setting out minimum rights for parents and carers
On the 4th of April 2019, the European Parliament approved the text of the compromise agreement for a Directive on Work Life Balance with 490 votes in favour, 82 against and 48 abstentions. This development follows the formal adoption of the compromise trilogue agreement by the Council on February 6th.
European Platform for Investing in Children 21-02-2018

Evidence-based practices in child & family policies
European childcare policies 15-01-2018

ESIP Members discuss childcare in a historical perspective
On the occasion of the Family and Social Inclusion Committee meeting, Members discussed their respective childcare policies. Frédérique Leprince, Deputy Director at the Direction of International and European relations of the French National Family fund (CNAF) presented the French approach on childcare in a historical prospective.