Pension News

Debrief of “Pension systems' sustainability and adequacy in an ageing society” workshop 14-05-2024



ESIP hosted a public workshop in Brussels on March 27, 2024 titled "Pension systems' sustainability and adequacy in an ageing society." Panellists addressed the impact of Europe's ageing population on the long-term sustainability of pension system and the need for adequate benefits. 

ESIP workshop : Pension systems' sustainability and adequacy in an ageing society 06-02-2024



The European Social Insurance Platform (ESIP) invites you to a workshop on “Pension systems' sustainability and adequacy in an ageing society”. The workshop will take place on March 27 in Brussels, at the premises of the Belgian National Employment Office (ONEM-RVA).

Preserving the specificities of statutory non-profit pension schemes 12-09-2022


ESIP Statement on the proposal for a Directive on corporate sustainability due diligence

A proposal for a Directive on corporate due diligence, with the aim of ensuring companies mitigating adverse human rights and environmental impacts in their value chains and integrate sustainability into corporate governance was recently put forward by the European Commission. The European Social Insurance Platform (ESIP) would like to alert EU policymakers to the scope of the proposal and its extension to statutory pension institutions which are operating social security schemes.

Towards a European tracking system? 18-02-2019


Joint pension communication conference with EAPSPI and Findyourpension

On the 5th of February, the first common (pension) communication conference organized by the associations EAPSPI and ESIP and the FindyourPension initiative took place at the University of Leuven. Representatives from various pension institutions and other stakeholders as well as researchers got together in order to discuss pension communication from a cross-border and cross-pillar perspective.

Prolonging working lives 27-10-2017


Reforming pension systems: the Finnish example

Statutory pensions systems are faced with the challenge of increasing life expectancy. In Finland the earning- related pension system has gone through major reform. 

ESIP platform work mapping in Eurofound report 25-09-2017


Eurofound report on non-standard forms of employment refers to ESIP's questionnaire

On the occasion of the Estonian Presidency conference “Future of work: making it e-Easy” held on 13 and 14 September 2017, the European Foundation for the improvement of living and working conditions (Eurofound) provided a background paper on non-standard forms of employment. 

Statutory coverage of digital platform workers 08-03-2017


ESIP maps national practices

New forms of work, especially platform work, have an increasing economic impact. However, uncertainties remain regarding the legal status of platform workers. Consequently, new forms of work could challenge the traditional conception of social security.

Future challenges for pensions 24-02-2017


ESIP Member ETK organises a one-day conference

ETK, the Finnish Centre for Pensions and a Member of ESIP is organising on 19 May 2017 a conference entitled “Changing labour markets, life-course and pensions”.

European Pillar of Social Rights 23-01-2017


ESIP takes part in the Commission's conference on the European Pillar of Social Rights

On 23 January 2017, the Commission organised a high-level conference on the European Pillar of Social Rights concluding the consultation process. Our Pension Committee coordinator Dr Schulz-Weidner was amongst the speakers.