HIO • Cyprus

Health Insurance Organisation

European Affairs : -

 17-19 Klimentos Street, 1061 Nicosia, Cyprus
 +357 22557200

European Social and Health Policy focus

  1. Health Insurance Organization is a public single payor organization established for the provision of healthcare services to beneficiaries who have their habitual residence in Cyprus. HIO is responsible for the administration of the General Healthcare System (GHS) in Cyprus. It is governed by a Board of Directors which consists of representatives of all stakeholders such as the government, employers, employees and the patients.

Aim, structure and tasks of the organization

    Vision / Mission : HIO’s vision is, via the implementation of the General Healthcare System, the beneficiaries of GHS to enjoy lifelong, equal and unhindered access to high quality healthcare services. HIO’s mission is to implement a patient-centered system reflective of modern thinking and practices, based on the principles of social solidarity, justice and universality, both in regards to contributions and coverage. HIO is responsible: • To manage the Fund (a special fund established for purposes of collecting the relevant contributions made by beneficiaries, and out of which all payments to providers of healthcare services are made) • For contracting and reimbursing of healthcare providers for the healthcare services offered to beneficiaries • For safe guarding the financial sustainability of the system • To enrol beneficiaries Priorities in the Health sector: • Monitoring of the providers of health care services • Provision of quality healthcare services • Provision of a comprehensive package of healthcare services • Control the demand for healthcare services

Membership Info

If you are a national organisation responsible for statutory social insurance and would like information on becoming an ESIP member, please contact the Director.


The ESIP maintains this server to enhance public access to information about its members. Our goal is to keep this information up-to-date and accurate.If any errors are brought to our attention,we will try to correct them. However the ESIP cannot accept any responsibility or liability whatsoever with regard to the abovementioned information.