Debrief of “Pension systems' sustainability and adequacy in an ageing society” workshop |
14-05-2024 |
Alessandro Scelfo
ESIP hosted a public workshop in Brussels on March 27, 2024 titled "Pension systems' sustainability and adequacy in an ageing society." Panellists addressed the impact of Europe's ageing population on the long-term sustainability of pension system and the need for adequate benefits.
The workshop was introduced by Zofia Czepulis-Rutkowska (ZUS, Poland & Chair of the ESIP Pension Committee) and featured academia such as Agnieszka Chlon-Dominczak (SGH Warsaw School of Economics, Poland) and Yves Stevens (KULeuven, Belgium), national social protection organisation such as Paulina Jarmuz-Zawadzka (ZUS, Poland), Verena Zwinger (PV, Austria), Susana Rosa (ISS, Portugal), Francesco Verbaro (AdEPP, Italy) & Aart-Jan Riekhoff (ETK, Finland) and international organisation such as Maciej Lis (OECD).
The workshop was divided into two panels. The first sought to examine the context of demographic change in Europe, as well as how difficult it is for social protection providers to plan for a very long-term pension scheme that ensures its sustainability and provides sufficient resources to retirees while taking into account new realities such as new types of work or different career paths.
The second panel discussed the challenges and realisations of EU member states' decision-makers in attempting to resolve the equality vs equity dilemma in order to make sure that all elderly people lived decently in Europe.
Throughout the event, we were able to hear from the ESIP constituency about the realisations and lessons learnt from recent national reforms addressing pension adequacy and the scheme's sustainability.
Check out the workshop briefing to find out more about the discussions between our speakers.