Esip members
ONSS-RSZ • Belgium
European Social and Health Policy focus
- The onss-rzv is the central office for recovery of contributions and the application of the European and bilateral legislation on the applicable legislation (Title II of Regulation 883/2004 and 987/2009).It is the authentic source for data on the eligibility in the schemes for employees and civil servants.
- The inspection services control the correct payment of contributions by the employers (datamining, inspections on the field, drafting of reports, …) and provide advice.
- The ONSS-RZV works in close collaboration with the “ministry level” (The Federal Public Service Social Security) and advises on new legislation, interpretation, and representation in the different platforms. It also takes initiatives to strengthen the collaboration with Belgian and foreign institutions.
Membership Info
If you are a national organisation responsible for statutory social insurance and would like information on becoming an ESIP member, please contact the Director.
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