EOPYY • Greece



Insured risk(s)/benefits

Healthcare services provision

European Affairs : -

 12, Apostolou Pavlou Str., 15123, Athens, Greece

Aim, structure and tasks of the organization

    EOPYY is a public legal entity for the provision of healthcare services, established on March 2011, and supervised by the Ministry of Health. EOPYY incorporated 8 social insurance funds and covers up to 98% of the Hellenic population. The principal responsibilities of EOPYY are: a) The provision of health services under a single benefit regulation b)The establishment of quality standards and the evaluation of the efficiency of health services, taking into account the management and control of funding and the rational use of available resources c)The establishment of criteria as well as of the terms for the contracts relating to the provision of primary and secondary health care with public and private sector institutions and doctors.

Membership Info

If you are a national organisation responsible for statutory social insurance and would like information on becoming an ESIP member, please contact the Director.


The ESIP maintains this server to enhance public access to information about its members. Our goal is to keep this information up-to-date and accurate.If any errors are brought to our attention,we will try to correct them. However the ESIP cannot accept any responsibility or liability whatsoever with regard to the abovementioned information.