URSSAF • France

Union de Recouvrement des cotisations de Sécurité Sociale et d'Allocations Familiales


European Affairs : -

 36 rue de Valmy 93108 Montreuil CEDEX
 +33 177 93 69 00

European Social and Health Policy focus

  1. Social security funding
  2. Organisation of the collection of social security taxes

Aim, structure and tasks of the organization

    The URSSAF is in the field of Social Security for all employees (Régime Général), competent for all the complusory tax collection by employers and independent workers. This includes the management of the services for 9.6 million employers and independent workers. The total amount of tax collection represents 489 billion euros.

Membership Info

If you are a national organisation responsible for statutory social insurance and would like information on becoming an ESIP member, please contact the Director.


The ESIP maintains this server to enhance public access to information about its members. Our goal is to keep this information up-to-date and accurate.If any errors are brought to our attention,we will try to correct them. However the ESIP cannot accept any responsibility or liability whatsoever with regard to the abovementioned information.